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Natural Forskolin Extract Review

Natural Pure Forskolin Extract

The Many Benefits of Forskolin Extract

Forskolin has been all over the news right now, mostly because it was featured on a recent episode of The Dr. Oz Show. However, forskolin supplements have actually been around for many years and there’s a lot more to forskolin than just weight loss.

In fact, there are several other benefits of forskolin, including the following:

Natural Forskolin Extract Benefits

Asthma Treatment

Forskolin has been the subject of several studies related to asthma and research has shown that forskolin can act similarly to existing asthma medications. In one study, patients taking forskolin saw a significantly reduced amount of asthma attacks compared to those taking sodium cromogylcate (a common medication).

Many asthma treatments are designed to increase cAMP levels by inhibiting the enzyme that breaks down cAMP. Researchers claim that forskolin counteracts this by increasing cAMP levels to treat and prevent several allergic reactions, most notably asthma. In the current research we have available, forskolin is a possibly effective asthma treatment when inhaled.

Lower Blood Pressure

The blood thinning effects of forskolin are already well known but most people do not realize that this also helps improve blood pressure. It is believed that forskolin also increases the contractility of the heart as well, which may lower the risk for congestive heart failure.

Muscle Relaxer

Another widely known benefit of forskolin is that it acts as a natural muscle relaxer. Several studies have found that forskolin can effectively relax smooth muscle tissue and counteract muscle spasms.

Cancer Prevention

Some studies suggest that forskolin has anti-cancer properties, although no human studies have been conducted. In the most recent study, researchers found that forskolin was able to significantly reduce cancer metastasis and that tumors actually shrunk in some mice.

Although certainly not proven, researchers hope to learn more about forskolin’s potential anti-cancerous properties with more animal studies. Until then, we can only say that forskolin MAY be possibly effective to prevent the spread of cancer.

Natural Forskolin Weight Loss

Most people take forskolin for the supposed weight loss benefits, although clinical data is limited. In one male study, researchers did observe a positive change in body composition in men taking forskolin compared to a placebo. However, they gave no definitive statistics or quantitative information about the results.

In another larger study, researchers found no significant changes in body composition, although they did note a noticeable increase in free testosterone levels.

The most prevalent study actually was conducted in mice a few years ago. Researchers gave rats a high dose of forskolin and put the rats on a high-fat diet. Despite consuming a large amount of fat, researchers noted that rats taking forskolin did not experience any weight gain.

Researchers felt that forskolin could negate the effects of a high fat diet signaling that forskolin could negative diet-induced obesity.

Although this clinical data is hardly convincing, more people each and every day claim to have lost weight with forskolin. Forskolin influences cyclic AMP levels, or cAMP levels, which supposedly signals a variety of hormones, including the thyroid hormone. This in turn revs up the body’s metabolism and signals the liver to start burning fat all day long, thus leading to weight loss.

Final Thoughts On Forskolin Extract

Although forskolin appears to be far from the miracle product many people claim it to be, it is certainly worth trying if you’re looking to lose a few extra pounds.

The other benefits of forskolin are an added bonus and there’s enough testimonials from users to instill some confidence that forskolin may be legitimate. If you want to lose extra pounds, give forskolin a shot.

Who knows – maybe it’ll be exactly what you need to lose weight.

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Benefits Of Taking Safflower Oil

Safflower Oil Review

The Miracle Oil You Need to Know About.

For most people, the only “healthy” oils they know about probably include coconut, canola, and of course olive oil. However, there’s fairly uncommon oil that actually is healthier than all three of these oils in some way. It’s called safflower oil and it’s something you need to know about.

What Is Safflower Oil?

Safflower oil comes from the safflower plant, a cousin of the sunflower plant. Safflower seeds are pressed after being dried, which results in thick, yellowish oil. This oil is then separated into two different safflower oils, which are:

Polyunsaturated: Polyunsaturated safflower oil has linoleic acid, a powerful antioxidant, and is more frequently added to dressings and vinegars. Unfortunately, polyunsaturated oil cannot be used in cooking because it instantly turns rancid when heated.

Monounsaturated: Monounsaturated safflower oil is the more common of the two safflower oils. Monounsaturated safflower oil can be used to fry foods or to sauté vegetables as well as used in cold dishes. Most stores carry both versions of safflower oil, although monounsaturated safflower oil is the most common.

Benefits of Safflower Oil

Safflower oil contains multiple essential nutrients and it should be considered one of the healthiest oils we can use. In fact, safflower oil is more nutrient dense than many other oils.

Safflower oil has a high concentration of Vitamin E than olive oil or red palm oil and it has the largest concentration of omega-3 and omega 6 fatty acids when compared to almost a dozen of the most commonly used oils.

However, it does lack a few nutrients, which is why it is often used as an alternative. Still, there are many benefits of safflower oil, some of which still need to proven. However, based upon what we have available to us, we can be certain about a few things.

First, safflower oil is very heart healthy, mainly due to its’ large concentration of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Studies have shown that safflower oil can lower cholesterol, balance blood pressure, and strengthen artery walls.

Second, safflower oil appears to be very good for the immune system as well. Safflower oil contains over a dozen antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds which improve the strength of the immune system and prevent free radical damage.

Safflower oil also has a huge amount of an Vitamin E, which is beneficial to the health of our skin and immune system. Vitamin E is one of the most common antioxidants and it also helps deliver nutrients to our skin and other organs.

Safflower Oil Uses

Safflower oil can also be used topically on the skin and hair. A simple dab or safflower oil in the hair will moisturize and nourish the scalp. Therefore, people with dandruff will find safflower oil especially useful. Safflower oil will also shine and soften hair as well.

Safflower oil has dozens of benefits, which can boost your health and help prevent disease down the road. While olive oil is all the rage right now, safflower oil deserves to be talked about because it is just as beneficial to the body, if not a little more than olive oil.

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Pure Garcinia Cambogia Review

Garcinia Cambogia Truth

It seems that every year a brand new mysterious fruit from an exotic part of the world is dubbed the next miracle for weight loss. In 2013, Garcinia Cambogia became the next miracle weight loss product that promised big results to users.

According to advertisements, you can lose 20lbs. in just ONE month. Diet and exercise – No need! These ridiculous statements have lured hundreds of thousands of people into using Garcinia Cambogia without knowing whether or not it actually works. It’s caused a tremendous amount of controversy and its’ time to settle the debate for good.

Pure Garcinia Cambogia Weight Loss

According to researchers, garcinia cambogia has a compound called hydroxycitric acid, or HCA extract. They claim this extract can:

– Suppress appetite by increasing serotonin levels by Inhibiting an enzyme called citric lyase, which converts carbohydrates into fat.

Supposedly, these two mechanisms combine to deliver incredible weight loss results, without the need for diet or exercise.

Scientific Evidence For Pure Garcinia Cambogia

Human studies are very limited for garcinia cambogia and often times the study was conducted by a company selling a garcinia product. Still, here is what we have available.

In a two-month, double blind study, 60 participants took a 1,320mg dose of garcinia cambogia or a placebo each day. After two months participants were weighed again. The garcinia cambogia group lost approximately 14 pounds whereas the placebo group only lost 6.1 pounds.

However, these results are tainted because no dietary or exercise guidelines were given. Therefore, it’s very possible that the garcinia cambogia group followed a stricter diet and exercised more frequently.

In another study, participants were given a similar dose of garcinia cambogia compared to the first study or a placebo. After twelve weeks, participants who took garcinia cambogia only lost 2.9 more pounds than the placebo group on average.

Once again, no instructions were given on dietary or exercise guidelines. The 2.9 average is considered statistically insignificant given that participants could have eaten or drank before being weighed, throwing off the weight. Plus, a 2.9 average is very small amount among 80 participants.

These two studies along with eight to ten other studies were analyzed and a report was published in the Journal of Obesity. In this report, researchers believe that garcinia cambogia could help dieters lose about an extra half dozen pounds in a two to three month span.

So in reality, not much evidence is really available for the effectiveness of garcinia cambogia. So what does that mean? Is garcinia cambogia a scam or the real deal?

The Truth About Pure Garcinia Cambogia

Like all miracle weight loss products, garcinia cambogia is probably nothing but a sham. The only proven way to lose weight is by dieting and exercising properly. Relying on a “magical” pill is nothing but a fool’s dream and you’re much better off sticking to old-fashioned methods to lose weight.

Could garcinia cambogia help you lose weight? Maybe in the short term but in the end, nothing will keep the weight off by a healthy diet and exercising, which is why you should avoid the allure of so called miracle weight loss products like garcinia cambogia.

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Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Supplements

Diatomaceous Earth

Of all the natural health supplements, none are as interesting as diatomaceous earth. This soft, white powders is worshiped by some natural health buffs, who claim that it has dozens of incredible health benefits.

These diatomaceous earth supporters claim that food grade DE can strengthen your hair, teeth, and bones, improve the efficiency of your digestive system, strengthen your immune system, and eliminate harmful toxins among many other benefits.

These benefits sound great, where can we all buy DE? Not so fast. It’s time to determine whether or not diatomaceous earth is a legitimate product or whether it is a scam.

Diatomaceous Earth Basics – What Should You Know

Before we dive into the science behind diatomaceous earth, you have to first understand what it is. Diatomaceous earth comes from the remains of ancient algae called diatoms. These diatoms died and settled in the seas and oceans around the globe.

Eventually, these dead diatoms formed huge deposits of what we now call diatomaceous earth. Thanks to natural climate change, most of these deposits are now over land, which are mined.

Diatomaceous is a white, powder and under a microscope it looks like a large cylinder with sharp edges. These sharp edges supposedly aid the body but we’ll get into that later.

The Science Behind Diatomaceous Earth


According to diatomaceous earth users, diatomaceous earth is made of mostly silica, a form of the element silicon. Silica is a much-needed mineral that many people do not consume enough of, due to poor dietary habits.

Silica is needed in virtually ever body process in some way, albeit in tiny amounts. However, the primary benefits that diatomaceous earth can provide involve strengthening the joints, bones, hair, nails, and teeth.

Diatomaceous earth can accomplish this because silica increases the production of bone collagen, which keeps bones strong and healthy. By increasing bone density and collagen, diatomaceous earth improves the strength of your joints, bones, nails, and teeth Silica is also needed for growing healthier, longer hair follicles.

In addition, diatomaceous earth has very sharp edges, which we mentioned above. These sharp edges scrape away toxins like heavy metals, bacteria, and viruses from the digestive tract and trap them in the cylinder. Then, the toxins are flushed from the body and eliminated – allowing the digestive system to operate much more efficiently.

Is Diatomaceous Earth Safe?

The good news for those skeptical is that diatomaceous earth appears to be very safe. Research studies and testimony will confirm that diatomaceous earth is safe for humans to consume, in food grade form. This is important to remember.

There are also zero side effects of diatomaceous earth other than the occasional thirst. This is natural and is mainly just a result of your body flushing your system.

Diatomaceous Earth = Legitimate Health Supplement

With all the junk supplements on the market, it feels good knowing that there is a supplement that can provide the benefits it claims to have.

Diatomaceous earth is a legitimate health supplement with several benefits and it can be safely utilized by almost anybody. Hopefully, more people will discover this beneficial supplement sooner than later.

One of the best supplements that we can recommend that is a pure food grade Diatomaceous Earth and is made soley for the purpose of human consumption is a brand is on amazon with organic silica.

Feel free to leave a comment if you have tried this brand or any other brand and what your experience was with them.

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Resveratrol Review

Resveratrol: Miracle or Scam?

Though many products are touted as “miracles”, few products can actually live up to the hype. Over the past decade, Resveratrol has been the subject of much debate in the health community. Those who support Resveratrol say that it can reduce the risk of several diseases and that it can even fight the effects of aging.

When claims are made like this, consumers should be wary. After all, there have been dozens of products that never lived up to the hype created by the media or celebrities. So what about resveratrol? Is it legitimate or a scam?

What Is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is a specific type of compound found in plants called polyphenols. Researchers say polyphenols have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can fight aging and prevent disease.

Resveratrol is found in several berries, peanuts, but it is primarily associated with red grapes. However, some low quality resveratrol supplements come from Japanese of Chinese knotweed plant because it is more readily available and cheaper to manufacture.

Reported Benefits of Resveratrol

Resveratrol is touted as an incredible anti-aging supplement and its’ benefits go much beyond that. According to resveratrol manufactures, resveratrol can:

  • Reduce the risk for cancer by inhibiting the growth of new cancer cells and by killing existing cancerous cells.
  • Reduce the risk for Alzheimer’s disease by eliminating harmful plaque and by protecting nerve cells from damage.
  • Improve immune system function by supplying the body with powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Prevent heart disease by preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and by eliminating inflammation in the heart and blood vessels.
  • Reduce the risk for diabetes by slowing down or preventing insulin resistance, one of the precursors of diabetes.

These are the primary benefits of resveratrol, although some other claims include weight loss and improved brain function. Unfortunately, while these benefits sound great, science does not back them completely.

Resveratrol Research

Unfortunately, resveratrol studies are very limited, at least involving humans. The most recent study involving humans found that participants who used resveratrol saw a reduction of inflammation in the heart by 26%. Researchers also noted that there was an increased natural production of elastin and collagen as well.

A study involving mice indicates resveratrol might help lead to increased longevity. In the study, mice given resveratrol lived much longer than mice not given resveratrol when on a high-calorie diet. Resveratrol also seemed to protect the mice from the effects of obesity.

Other studies have shown mixed results and nothing seems to be clinically proven yet. Unfortunately, the lack of research seems to indicate that resveratrol is mostly hype – at least as of right now.

In addition, we do not know what the long-term effects of resveratrol could be. Could it be harmful in large doses when taken over a course of a few months? We don’t simply don’t know. Therefore, it’s risks seem to outweigh its’ benefits.

Resveratrol does have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents but there is no evidence that resveratrol is the miracle product people make it out to be. Either way, resveratrol can still be taken to support the immune system but if you take it, do not expect miracles to happen.

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The Health Benefits Of Coconut oil

Coconut Oil Reviewed

Coconut oil is all the rage right now in the health world. Supporters claim it can cure and solve dozens of health issues. Obesity, thyroid disease, heart disease, and high cholesterol can all be eliminated if you add coconut oil to your diet. Or can it?

Before you go to the store and buy up as much coconut oil as your cart can handle, these claims need to be evaluated. After all, if things seem too good to be true, they generally are.

Coconut Oil – Is It Right For You?

Coconut oil has been extensively studied and there are dozens of studies surrounding its’ supposed benefits. Research has supported some of the reported health benefits although not all of them.

There is very limited evidence on whether or not coconut oil has any true benefits relating to weight loss or thyroid disease.

Coconut Oil Research

A 2009 study found that while coconut oil appeared to prevent weight gain, it did not actually facilitate weight loss.

Likewise, a past study found that while coconut oil does improve thyroid function, it did not full eliminate thyroid problems.

However, there is plenty of research to support some claims made by coconut oil supporters. The primary benefits of coconut oil seem to be related to the cardiovascular system. So far, here is what researchers have concluded:

Coconut oil is very high in saturated fats, especially a healthy saturated fat called lauric acid. Several studies have found that lauric acid can increase HDL cholesterol in the bloodstream, which helps to eliminate LDL cholesterol and plaque from the artery walls.

Other studies have found that coconut oil helps convert cholesterol into pregnenolone, a molecule that the body converts into several hormones used by our body.

Coconut Oil For Inflammation

Coconut oil also several anti-inflammatory properties as well. Studies suggest that coconut oil can help boost immune system function and other research suggests it can slow down the aging process. Coconut oil moisturizes and softens skin or hair when gently applied. It also can reduce protect the skin from free radical damage as well.

Other studies are in progress and we should know all of the benefits of coconut oil soon. Until then, these are the only real benefits that have been proven.

If you’d like to use coconut oil, then you have quite a few options. Coconut oil can be added with baked goods or to sauté vegetables. Some people also add coconut oil to protein shakes or to oatmeal for a creamier consistency.

Coconut Oil Summary

So while coconut oil does have some benefits it does not have the ability to do what everybody seems to claim. It is far from a miracle oil and it certainly isn’t going to solve all of your health problems.

Until we have more studies, it’s clear that coconut oil shouldn’t be relied upon and should only be added as a heart-healthy alternative to other oils.

If you still would like to buy coconut oil, you can do so at your local retail store or at many online stores that specialize in health supplements.

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Yacon Syrup For Weight Loss

Yacon Syrup Benefits

If you’ve paid attention to any of the latest diet news, then chances are you’ve heard about a promising new weight loss supplement. We’re talking about yacon syrup of course. Since its’ appearance on a popular show hosted by a doctor, interest in yacon syrup has exploded.

Could yacon syrup be the weight loss miracle we’ve all been waiting for?

Yacon Syrup Basic Information

Yacon Syrup

Yacon syrup comes from the roots of the yacon plant, which is native to areas around the Andes mountains. It has been consumed and used in medicine for hundreds of years but only recently began to be advertised as a weight loss product.

Yacon syrup is created after juices are extracted from the roots and filtered in a manufacturing process – similar to how maple syrup is made. This process creates a sweet tasting syrup with a dark color and a taste similar to molasses.

Yacon Weight Loss

The Doctor called yacon syrup the “metabolism game changer.” This statement is certainly something that is going to raise some eyebrows so let’s take a closer look into yacon syrup.

Exactly how does yacon syrup supposedly help weight loss?

According to the Doctor, the main ingredient is called fructooligosaccarides or FOS. The exact amount varies from plant to plant but yacon syrup generally has a range between 40-505 FOS.

FOS are sugar molecules that pass through the digestive system because the body cannot digest them. Yacon syrup also contains a small amount of sugars but the primary molecule is inulin, which is not digested.

So what does this mean? Essentially, FOS act in a way similar to how fiber works in the body. Plus, because only a portion of the sugars is digested, yacon syrup is a common low-calorie alternative to sugar.

FOS eventually reaches the large intestine, where they work to feed friendly bacteria in the digestive system. This is where the Doctor claims yacon syrup really works its’ magic – in the gut.

Friendly bacteria are actually very important for our health. Having the right type of healthy bacteria can lower your risk for diabetes, improve your immune system, and help your brain function.

When bacteria digest FOS, they also produce short-chain fatty acids, which have been proven to have powerful anti-obesity benefits. In addition, the hormone ghrelin appears to be inhibited, which reduces appetite.

FOS are also found in onions, garlic, leeks, artichokes, and various other plant foods, which is why part of the reason these foods are often recommended to lose weight.

Does Yacon Syrup really work?

Studies show that yacon syrup really can help weight loss. Both human and animal studies support the case that yacon syrup can help reduce weight and body fat in a safe, effective manner. More studies are being planned due to the growing popularity of yacon syrup.

Final Thoughts On Yacon Syrup

We need more evidence whether to confirm whether yacon syrup might be that magicsupplement everybody’s been looking for. However, things are very promising as of right now and more and more testimonials are coming out about yacon syrup. It may be only a matter of time before every dieter is trying this sweet, delicious syrup to lose weight.