Vitamins Weight Loss

The Health Benefits Of Coconut oil

Coconut Oil Reviewed

Coconut oil is all the rage right now in the health world. Supporters claim it can cure and solve dozens of health issues. Obesity, thyroid disease, heart disease, and high cholesterol can all be eliminated if you add coconut oil to your diet. Or can it?

Before you go to the store and buy up as much coconut oil as your cart can handle, these claims need to be evaluated. After all, if things seem too good to be true, they generally are.

Coconut Oil – Is It Right For You?

Coconut oil has been extensively studied and there are dozens of studies surrounding its’ supposed benefits. Research has supported some of the reported health benefits although not all of them.

There is very limited evidence on whether or not coconut oil has any true benefits relating to weight loss or thyroid disease.

Coconut Oil Research

A 2009 study found that while coconut oil appeared to prevent weight gain, it did not actually facilitate weight loss.

Likewise, a past study found that while coconut oil does improve thyroid function, it did not full eliminate thyroid problems.

However, there is plenty of research to support some claims made by coconut oil supporters. The primary benefits of coconut oil seem to be related to the cardiovascular system. So far, here is what researchers have concluded:

Coconut oil is very high in saturated fats, especially a healthy saturated fat called lauric acid. Several studies have found that lauric acid can increase HDL cholesterol in the bloodstream, which helps to eliminate LDL cholesterol and plaque from the artery walls.

Other studies have found that coconut oil helps convert cholesterol into pregnenolone, a molecule that the body converts into several hormones used by our body.

Coconut Oil For Inflammation

Coconut oil also several anti-inflammatory properties as well. Studies suggest that coconut oil can help boost immune system function and other research suggests it can slow down the aging process. Coconut oil moisturizes and softens skin or hair when gently applied. It also can reduce protect the skin from free radical damage as well.

Other studies are in progress and we should know all of the benefits of coconut oil soon. Until then, these are the only real benefits that have been proven.

If you’d like to use coconut oil, then you have quite a few options. Coconut oil can be added with baked goods or to sauté vegetables. Some people also add coconut oil to protein shakes or to oatmeal for a creamier consistency.

Coconut Oil Summary

So while coconut oil does have some benefits it does not have the ability to do what everybody seems to claim. It is far from a miracle oil and it certainly isn’t going to solve all of your health problems.

Until we have more studies, it’s clear that coconut oil shouldn’t be relied upon and should only be added as a heart-healthy alternative to other oils.

If you still would like to buy coconut oil, you can do so at your local retail store or at many online stores that specialize in health supplements.