Vitamins Weight Loss

Resveratrol Review

Resveratrol: Miracle or Scam?

Though many products are touted as “miracles”, few products can actually live up to the hype. Over the past decade, Resveratrol has been the subject of much debate in the health community. Those who support Resveratrol say that it can reduce the risk of several diseases and that it can even fight the effects of aging.

When claims are made like this, consumers should be wary. After all, there have been dozens of products that never lived up to the hype created by the media or celebrities. So what about resveratrol? Is it legitimate or a scam?

What Is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is a specific type of compound found in plants called polyphenols. Researchers say polyphenols have strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can fight aging and prevent disease.

Resveratrol is found in several berries, peanuts, but it is primarily associated with red grapes. However, some low quality resveratrol supplements come from Japanese of Chinese knotweed plant because it is more readily available and cheaper to manufacture.

Reported Benefits of Resveratrol

Resveratrol is touted as an incredible anti-aging supplement and its’ benefits go much beyond that. According to resveratrol manufactures, resveratrol can:

  • Reduce the risk for cancer by inhibiting the growth of new cancer cells and by killing existing cancerous cells.
  • Reduce the risk for Alzheimer’s disease by eliminating harmful plaque and by protecting nerve cells from damage.
  • Improve immune system function by supplying the body with powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Prevent heart disease by preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and by eliminating inflammation in the heart and blood vessels.
  • Reduce the risk for diabetes by slowing down or preventing insulin resistance, one of the precursors of diabetes.

These are the primary benefits of resveratrol, although some other claims include weight loss and improved brain function. Unfortunately, while these benefits sound great, science does not back them completely.

Resveratrol Research

Unfortunately, resveratrol studies are very limited, at least involving humans. The most recent study involving humans found that participants who used resveratrol saw a reduction of inflammation in the heart by 26%. Researchers also noted that there was an increased natural production of elastin and collagen as well.

A study involving mice indicates resveratrol might help lead to increased longevity. In the study, mice given resveratrol lived much longer than mice not given resveratrol when on a high-calorie diet. Resveratrol also seemed to protect the mice from the effects of obesity.

Other studies have shown mixed results and nothing seems to be clinically proven yet. Unfortunately, the lack of research seems to indicate that resveratrol is mostly hype – at least as of right now.

In addition, we do not know what the long-term effects of resveratrol could be. Could it be harmful in large doses when taken over a course of a few months? We don’t simply don’t know. Therefore, it’s risks seem to outweigh its’ benefits.

Resveratrol does have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents but there is no evidence that resveratrol is the miracle product people make it out to be. Either way, resveratrol can still be taken to support the immune system but if you take it, do not expect miracles to happen.