Vitamins Weight Loss

Natural Forskolin Extract Review

Natural Pure Forskolin Extract

The Many Benefits of Forskolin Extract

Forskolin has been all over the news right now, mostly because it was featured on a recent episode of The Dr. Oz Show. However, forskolin supplements have actually been around for many years and there’s a lot more to forskolin than just weight loss.

In fact, there are several other benefits of forskolin, including the following:

Natural Forskolin Extract Benefits

Asthma Treatment

Forskolin has been the subject of several studies related to asthma and research has shown that forskolin can act similarly to existing asthma medications. In one study, patients taking forskolin saw a significantly reduced amount of asthma attacks compared to those taking sodium cromogylcate (a common medication).

Many asthma treatments are designed to increase cAMP levels by inhibiting the enzyme that breaks down cAMP. Researchers claim that forskolin counteracts this by increasing cAMP levels to treat and prevent several allergic reactions, most notably asthma. In the current research we have available, forskolin is a possibly effective asthma treatment when inhaled.

Lower Blood Pressure

The blood thinning effects of forskolin are already well known but most people do not realize that this also helps improve blood pressure. It is believed that forskolin also increases the contractility of the heart as well, which may lower the risk for congestive heart failure.

Muscle Relaxer

Another widely known benefit of forskolin is that it acts as a natural muscle relaxer. Several studies have found that forskolin can effectively relax smooth muscle tissue and counteract muscle spasms.

Cancer Prevention

Some studies suggest that forskolin has anti-cancer properties, although no human studies have been conducted. In the most recent study, researchers found that forskolin was able to significantly reduce cancer metastasis and that tumors actually shrunk in some mice.

Although certainly not proven, researchers hope to learn more about forskolin’s potential anti-cancerous properties with more animal studies. Until then, we can only say that forskolin MAY be possibly effective to prevent the spread of cancer.

Natural Forskolin Weight Loss

Most people take forskolin for the supposed weight loss benefits, although clinical data is limited. In one male study, researchers did observe a positive change in body composition in men taking forskolin compared to a placebo. However, they gave no definitive statistics or quantitative information about the results.

In another larger study, researchers found no significant changes in body composition, although they did note a noticeable increase in free testosterone levels.

The most prevalent study actually was conducted in mice a few years ago. Researchers gave rats a high dose of forskolin and put the rats on a high-fat diet. Despite consuming a large amount of fat, researchers noted that rats taking forskolin did not experience any weight gain.

Researchers felt that forskolin could negate the effects of a high fat diet signaling that forskolin could negative diet-induced obesity.

Although this clinical data is hardly convincing, more people each and every day claim to have lost weight with forskolin. Forskolin influences cyclic AMP levels, or cAMP levels, which supposedly signals a variety of hormones, including the thyroid hormone. This in turn revs up the body’s metabolism and signals the liver to start burning fat all day long, thus leading to weight loss.

Final Thoughts On Forskolin Extract

Although forskolin appears to be far from the miracle product many people claim it to be, it is certainly worth trying if you’re looking to lose a few extra pounds.

The other benefits of forskolin are an added bonus and there’s enough testimonials from users to instill some confidence that forskolin may be legitimate. If you want to lose extra pounds, give forskolin a shot.

Who knows – maybe it’ll be exactly what you need to lose weight.

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