Vitamins Weight Loss

Yacon Syrup For Weight Loss

Yacon Syrup Benefits

If you’ve paid attention to any of the latest diet news, then chances are you’ve heard about a promising new weight loss supplement. We’re talking about yacon syrup of course. Since its’ appearance on a popular show hosted by a doctor, interest in yacon syrup has exploded.

Could yacon syrup be the weight loss miracle we’ve all been waiting for?

Yacon Syrup Basic Information

Yacon Syrup

Yacon syrup comes from the roots of the yacon plant, which is native to areas around the Andes mountains. It has been consumed and used in medicine for hundreds of years but only recently began to be advertised as a weight loss product.

Yacon syrup is created after juices are extracted from the roots and filtered in a manufacturing process – similar to how maple syrup is made. This process creates a sweet tasting syrup with a dark color and a taste similar to molasses.

Yacon Weight Loss

The Doctor called yacon syrup the “metabolism game changer.” This statement is certainly something that is going to raise some eyebrows so let’s take a closer look into yacon syrup.

Exactly how does yacon syrup supposedly help weight loss?

According to the Doctor, the main ingredient is called fructooligosaccarides or FOS. The exact amount varies from plant to plant but yacon syrup generally has a range between 40-505 FOS.

FOS are sugar molecules that pass through the digestive system because the body cannot digest them. Yacon syrup also contains a small amount of sugars but the primary molecule is inulin, which is not digested.

So what does this mean? Essentially, FOS act in a way similar to how fiber works in the body. Plus, because only a portion of the sugars is digested, yacon syrup is a common low-calorie alternative to sugar.

FOS eventually reaches the large intestine, where they work to feed friendly bacteria in the digestive system. This is where the Doctor claims yacon syrup really works its’ magic – in the gut.

Friendly bacteria are actually very important for our health. Having the right type of healthy bacteria can lower your risk for diabetes, improve your immune system, and help your brain function.

When bacteria digest FOS, they also produce short-chain fatty acids, which have been proven to have powerful anti-obesity benefits. In addition, the hormone ghrelin appears to be inhibited, which reduces appetite.

FOS are also found in onions, garlic, leeks, artichokes, and various other plant foods, which is why part of the reason these foods are often recommended to lose weight.

Does Yacon Syrup really work?

Studies show that yacon syrup really can help weight loss. Both human and animal studies support the case that yacon syrup can help reduce weight and body fat in a safe, effective manner. More studies are being planned due to the growing popularity of yacon syrup.

Final Thoughts On Yacon Syrup

We need more evidence whether to confirm whether yacon syrup might be that magicsupplement everybody’s been looking for. However, things are very promising as of right now and more and more testimonials are coming out about yacon syrup. It may be only a matter of time before every dieter is trying this sweet, delicious syrup to lose weight.

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